传统版工具和固件 Conventianal Tools and Firmware

配置工具 Configuration Tools

U30 – 传统版 Conventional Version

AF200 – 传统版 Conventional Version

固件升级包 Firmware Upgrade Packages 

U30 / v3.12.0-21578
提升USB接口的兼容性,修复在播放超高采样率时偶尔出现类似金属摩擦声噪音的问题。推荐生产日期在2021年10月30日前的U30设备升级。Improve the USB port compatibility, fixed an issue that occasionally appeared similar to metal friction noise when playing ultra-high sample rate audio. It is recommended to upgrade U30 device with a production date before October 30, 2021.

AF200 / v3.12.0-21578
提升USB接口的兼容性,修复在播放超高采样率时偶尔出现类似金属摩擦声噪音的问题。推荐生产日期在2021年10月29日前的AF200设备升级。Improve the USB port compatibility, fixed an issue that occasionally appeared similar to metal friction noise when playing ultra-high sample rate audio. It is recommended to upgrade AF200 device with a production date before October 29, 2021.